Acupuncture back pain post-surgery
Carole Paine’s approach targets my problem precisely.

I am 58, I own a dog day care center, I board dogs in my home overnight and I work as a vet assistant on weekends. I have a very physical life. I suffer from residual nerve damage and pain on my left side post back surgery. Before I found Carole Paine and her acupuncture, I lived with a level 5 and above pain daily. Anyone else in my position would need prescription pain killers daily. Instead I see Carole every third Tuesday. Recently, due to a work conflict, I missed my appointment. The next day I fell hard, on the concrete, on my left side. I could barely walk and two different prescription muscle relaxers did little to help. On Friday Carole stayed late to accommodate me. I left her office, as usual feeling woozy. I took a hot shower (baths are actually recommended), went to bed and in the morning…pain at ZERO! I won’t lie, in between sessions I run at about a 1 to 2 pain level and use Aleve to keep it under control. But, I have been to two other acupuncturists and Carole had done more for me than either of them. Thank you Carole, I don’t think I could survive this without you.
- Susan