Acupuncture back pain, shoulder pain, muscle pain, whole body pain
I am a 32 year old man and I was injured almost 2 years ago while doing mechanic work on a large pick-up truck.

I was replacing a fuel tank in the truck. We had a jack holding up the truck and a jack holding up the fuel tank. While I was sitting under the truck I told the man helping me to let the tank down; instead of letting down the jack that was holding up the fuel tank he released the jack that was holing up the truck! I was pinned under the truck unable to move! The truck was crushing me! The man finally raised the truck back up. I have suffered from chronic back, shoulder, and muscle pain ever since. I have always enjoyed working but due to my pain I did not want to get out of bed; but I made myself go. I couldn’t even shrug my shoulders because my back muscles were so tight, no matter what I did my muscles would not release! I went for intense chiropractic and message therapy; spending a drastic amount of money and I would have only temporary relief. The pain was getting more and more intense. I could hardly sleep at night. I couldn’t work to my fullest potential I knew that I had to do something. I did not want to resort to taking prescription pain killers on a daily basis. My wife did research on chronic pain and discovered the benefits of acupuncture. At this point I was ready to try anything. We found Carole and she has been wonderful!! I have had several treatments in the course of a month and my pain level has decreased dramatically. I can shrug my shoulders now. My back still hurts, but not to the point that it keeps me from living and working. I am sleeping at night, and feel rested to wake up and starts a day’s work. Thanks to Carol I am enjoying life again! I would recommend her to anyone seeking treatment for chronic pain.
- Mike